When you deny the reality of life, you appreciate it less. Meditate on the Buddha’s Five Remembrances and rediscover the magic of life just as it is.
I am of the nature to grow old.
There is no way to escape growing old.
I am of the nature to have ill health.
There is no way to escape ill health.
I am of the nature to die.
There is no way to escape death.
All that is dear to me and everyone I love
are the nature to change.
There is no way to escape
being separated from them.
My actions are my only true belongings.
I cannot escape the consequences of my actions.
Almost like a Dali's pictures :)
AntwortenLöschenhmm (?), just beautiful
AntwortenLöschenThat’s right :) Remind me of “Raphaelesque head exploding” and some else. It’s beautiful for me. Not everybody like this kind of painting
AntwortenLöschenif you follow my blog, then you know that I like the Different things :) more and more!
AntwortenLöschenmaybe he (Salvadore) was on acid? :)
Personally I like also the work of Alex Grey
Look at Sacred Mirrors, The Mission of Art and of course Transfigurations. He attracted me after some of my experiences. Like many other things but his shamanism and transcendental art is fantastic. For example, work "Theologue" sends a buddhistic message for me. I understand that not only on of my trip :) also "The Chapel of Sacred Mirrors". I think that helps me develop my awareness. Enjoy!
It was my first time with Gray’s works on your blog :) Some of them remind me classes in dissecting-room :) Anyway different but interesting. By the way. Did you make your aura photo?
AntwortenLöschenno, i do not have pictures of my aura :)
AntwortenLöscheni saw a video today from alex grey "the healing power of sacred art" - very interesting and download now "trippy LSD blotter art" (alex grey & paul booth)- i'm curious :)