Bill Hicks

the sign of intelligence is that you are constantly wondering. idiots are always dead sure about every damn thing.

Dienstag, 11. Oktober 2011

Even the most nasty heartless shitbag deep down really is lonely and wants to be loved..
Isn’t that crazy?
The thing of it is you are all HUMAN…
You’re a social creature..
You might think you’re an introvert and shy away from human interaction but HERE YOU ARE - ON A FORUM - INTERACTING!
You just want to interact where it’s “safe”…
But it’s not safe is it?
What happens if you stick a human in a sensory deprivation tank?
Their own mind will start to make up shit for them to interact with!
What happens when you sleep?
Your mind makes up shit for you to interact with!
Your mind needs experience and craves to be LOVED and UNDERSTOOD by other minds!
I don’t know if this is good or bad but it is the way things are with humans..
I know sometimes they seem evil and disgusting.. and they ARE!
But try to remember they are ‘sick’, literally, and it’s lack of love and understanding that has brought them to this point…
There may be no going back for them and the rest of humanity..
They may be too damaged, too far gone to be ‘repaired’….
They may truly be ‘doomed’….
But you?
Maybe you have a chance….
Hows your faith these days, Padre?

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