It’s Time to Wake Up.
Children today are born into a society in which attachment to all things material and physical fuel the economy and dominate our culture, while the mere idea of Oneness, God, and spirituality in general are considered psychotic and delusional.
Some of us, however, are born with an innate sense that something is very wrong with the ways of this world. Ever since childhood we felt a pull, a persistent intuition that this is not how the world is supposed to be; that it was meant for something much, much greater.
Because our intuition clashes so harshly with the ideals of the modern world, many of us have tried to mask our inner urges; we felt helpless. “What could I even do?” “They’d think I’m crazy.” “No one will listen, other people don’t want to hear about this.”
So we try to attach ourselves to worldly things, since that’s what people do in the world today, that’s what fuels the economy, and it’s reflected in our entire culture. We try desperately to cling to something - ANYTHING - that we think will distract us from our spiritual and existential thirsts and replace them with ego. It could be through drugs, excessive shopping, gaming, drinking, smoking, even studying.. anything that we can use to inflate our egos so that we don’t have to deal with that constant voice in our head that echoes, “isn’t there more to life than this?”
But the voice doesn’t leave. And for a good reason.
Well guess what; you’re not alone.
People like you and I, we aren’t rare. We’re everywhere; and we’re starting to realize who we REALLY are.
It all starts in the mind. YOU are the creater, sustainer and destroyer of the entire universe. It’s the YOUniverse. When you pay attention, you begin to realize that the thoughts you cling to send vibrations to the EXTERIOR world; yes, your thoughts DIRECTLY influence the awareness of the entire world around you.
If you wake up, THE WORLD WAKES UP.
Nobody can take away the power of your mind. No laws, no jail cell, nothing. Not even death. You are beyond everything. All you need to do is wake up, and realize this. That’s it.
That’s why you’ve always felt like there was something more. Your mind has the power to change the world with every thought. That’s what we are here to do.
THINK about it.
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