It’s great to see you searching for the higher truth. I was (am) exactly pursuing the same question. I was standing at the point you are staying now.
I asked: Now I got everything I wished – got away from home, got my first job. But – is that all? There has to be more…
Is there more to explore?
It led me to experimenting with psychedelic drugs. MDMA, LSD, DMT are good examples. They show and prove us there is more to see than _this_ reality.
But – I was searching on. Who am I really? What is my purpose? Where did humanity come from? Where do we go? Why do we exist? Is there a sense of life?
I was looking for books in the esoteric library. Months. Years.
It was a straying around.
Yes, I found some information. There are many useful books – but also just much crap.
My search didn’t have a concept; a … training, a plan. Something to proceed, something REALLY deep and meaningful to achieve.
I was looking for things that show me more of the world. I was looking for information that you can’t get by buying a book.
This hunger for more lead my to western mystery schools. I joined A.M.O.R.C – a rosicrucian school that studies the hidden laws of life and the universe.
Half a year after, I joined B.O.T.A. – a cabbalistic, hermetic order that has a great tarot and cabbala course.
Two years after, I was invited by amorc to join the martinists order. And all I can tell you – it is a GREAT expansion to the teachings of the amorc. It really fills me out with “I found what I was looking for”.
This is not meant to be advertising. I just tell you what I’m doing and how excited I am to be a member in this organizations. It’s just a hint for you. Maybe you can join a freemason’s order and tell us how it is to be a member there – they hunt for similar questions.
Good starting points for me were and (German)
I wish you all the best and good luck on your path!
We’ll see us at the end of the tunnel
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