Bill Hicks

the sign of intelligence is that you are constantly wondering. idiots are always dead sure about every damn thing.

Montag, 10. September 2012


To enrich the cultural dialogue of consciousness through interactive edutainment, the DMTRMX seeks Artistic, Scientific and Spiritual Consolidation. The CODEX serves as the education aspect of the project, and widens our pinhole perceptions so the community can access multi-disciplenary knowledge of human knowledge. Our seemingly unique mental faculty called consciousness allows for the collective ability to reflect on our surroundings as well as refer to ourselves as a distinct part of the environmental realm. The result of an increasingly complex self-awareness process, language allows us to share the nature of these contemplations in an externalized informational realm.

Language and consciousness exist as symbiotic partners that interact within the broader context of culture. However, language does not control consciousness, or vice versa. And, given their intimate relationship in our human evolutionary history, it becomes impossible to imagine one without the other.  In pursuit of our goal to create a multi-dimensional language system, we must understand that language facilitates the interaction between mind, experience and meaning.

Language operates on many levels, and goes beyond visual/auditory language (Pictographic, Hieroglyphic, Cuneiform, Alphabetic) that describes a configuration of symbols in relation to their meaning, which generates an infinite amount of arrangements. But we must also think outside-in and inside-out to fully understand the depth of language; consider conscious/unconscious, body language, sign language/Braille, dress, time,
numerical, music, taxonomy, periodic table, maps/navigation, landscapes, brands, underground, and computer languages. Instills values, behaviors and thought processes that govern all facets of life.

Pattern Alignment / Focus (Alternatives for societal transformation). The method communities manage collective memory of common experiences, but perceptions and words change over time, so we deconstruct/reconstruct our symbol set. These meta-realities allow cultures to reflect on their accumulated knowledge with more abstract methods. MYTHOLOGY RMX Hesiod’s Theogony (800 BC) became the blueprint of Western culture. The poet fused many Divine traditions, and organized into one myth with fundamental truths of the Universe.

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