Bill Hicks

the sign of intelligence is that you are constantly wondering. idiots are always dead sure about every damn thing.

Donnerstag, 13. Dezember 2012

…You need to use inference and experience to reach the certainty that any sense of absolute anything is only relative, and that anything you can sense at all is only relative. This is to realize the equivalence of voidness and relativity, no longer looking for an absolute void beyond the world, no longer depreciating the relative world as lacking ultimate value. You integrate this certainty into your daily experience by a twofold process. You let experience affirm absolute voidness, knowing that anything you can experience is relative and void of intrinsic identity. And you let absolute voidness affirm your relative experience, since knowing a thing’s voidness makes its relative presence undeniably important. From there on it is a matter of deepening this realization by pushing it inward, to overlay your instinctual misknowledge that still habitually gives you a feeling of an enduring hard-core identity. The more you can bear down through focused concentration on this specific identity feeling, the more free you will become. This is where meditation is really needed: after you have a sound realization. This is where you realize how deep your instincts go.
- The Tibetan Art of Dying Excerpt p.62, The Tibetan Book of the Dead

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