4 BIG Tips For Annihilating Your Goals This Year!
With the New Year upon us, you probably have some New
Year’s resolutions on your mind. Here’s a three simple things you can do
to massively increase your likelihood of success.
Find A Goal Partner!
A University of Pittsburg experiment
studied people who followed a weight loss program. There were two
groups – one with “homework” that included sharing a healthy meal with a
friend or family member, and calling each other to check in and
encourage each other, and another with no homework.
The group with no friend/family member succeeded at a 24% rate, while
the group with homework succeeded at a 66% rate. That is a 175%
increase in success! As corny as it sounds, a buddy can make all the
difference. If you don’t want to burden your friends/family, a coach can
also be a great resource. The point is to find someone to keep you
accountable, and meet with them on a regular basis to discuss progress.
Be Honest With Yourself!
More often than not, we give ourselves poor excuses. A few personal ones I use when I don’t want to go to the gym:
- I’m too tired
- I’ll do extra tomorrow
- I deserve a break; it’s been a long day
When in reality – I don’t put in the extra work, because inevitably
other things come up, I forget, or I am just as lazy the next day.
During these times, I like to remember two things: the hard times I’ve
been through, and my accomplishments in life. When I think about the
hard times I’ve been through, I internalize that I am much tougher than a
weak excuse. After I think about my biggest accomplishments, I realize
that I am capable of awesome things, and all I need to do is to get
through it, one day at a time
Afterwards, I make myself a
5 minute promise. I’ll
wait 5 minutes before eating that terribly unhealthy lasagna, I’ll jog
for 5 minutes to start, or just write for 5 minutes. Most of the time,
things will start to flow, and I’ll get what I need to done. However,
maybe 5% of the time, I really am just that tired, and the
rationalization is correct. And that’s okay. I don’t have to win every
battle, as long as I’m winning the war.
Do The Unsexy Work!
Every single serious bodybuilder I’ve met knows the saying – looks
are 80% diet and 20% exercise. You can have a great looking body if you
just watch what you eat, and do a bit of exercise. But why is it that
people are so focused on CrossFit, Insanity, P90x, or some other
workout? Because talking about eating under a certain calorie number and
cooking chicken breast is unsexy.
This is the same with sales. One of my friends, a top performing
salesman, followed up with a client for two years before he was given
the opportunity to sell to them. Most salesmen do not put the level of
effort into following up, but it’s paid off in spades for my buddy.
For the most part, we already know what we need to do to
succeed. We have to try a little harder at work, eat a little less,
start moving around more, and pay more attention to our loved ones.
Work Your Ass Off!
Success doesn’t come easily to anyone. With all the stresses of a
job, school, social expectations and surprises in life, it’s tempting to
take a day off. Sometimes you’re just having a bad day and want to say
“Fuck it.”
Even Mark Cuban, billionaire owner of the Dallas Mavericks,
has bad days.
What does he do? Eat ice cream and watch a TV series? Play video games
for half a day? No. It’s the same as when he was 25 and broke. He says –
“I remember my goals, and remind myself that I’m down there is no
fucking way I am going to get where I want to go and I have to get my
ass out of bed and get rolling.”
Let’s take a page out of Mark’s book, and do what we need to – day in and day out.