Bill Hicks

the sign of intelligence is that you are constantly wondering. idiots are always dead sure about every damn thing.

Sonntag, 17. Februar 2013

Can an omnipotent God create a task he is unable to complete? Is perception limited, if only temporarily, with a growing infinite? Does my creator pose the same questions to his creator as I pose to him? Does my creator’s creator pose the same questions to his creator?…
The Incompleteness Theorems are applications of logic which extend beyond mathematics. The theorems state that any system of logic cannot deductively prove itself to be true; i.e., there must be at least 1 axiom that is inductively reasoned through observation and cannot be deductively confirmed. For example, cavemen could take into account gravity’s effects when hunting, but precisely quantifying gravitational forces did not occur until Newton’s discoveries. It took over 200 years more for Einstein’s general relativity to expand the application of gravitational laws to a broader set of cases. Today, scientists hypothesize on how these forces exist and are in search of the graviton and Higgs boson elementary particles. Although the effects of these particles are detected and included into the Standard Model, they have yet to be “seen”. If/when these particles are found, more questions would present themselves, in accordance with the Incompleteness Theorems. Where did these forces come from? What sub-elementary particles make up the elementary particles? What sub-sub particles make up those?…

Despite being able to make millions of calculations/sec, artificial intelligence still lags behind human cognition. The distinction surely lies with consciousness, or the awareness of being aware. Without consciousness, a futuristic computer would
not be able to look at its own processes and see the futility of the endeavor. Could
“breaking out of the loop” be the key to emergence of complex systems out of simpler parts? How does consciousness emerge out of neurons, and neurons out of cells, and cells out of atoms, and…
There seems to be an infinite number of microscopic subatomic particles, forces, and events that must converge at an unconscious level for the improbability of consciousness to arise. Benjamin Libet’s experiments demonstrate that electrodes are able to detect brain activity which can predict my preference for Justin Bieber over Lady Gaga (among other less important things) up to 10 seconds before I am aware of my own choice. If the interactions between neurons occur many moments before I feel these neurotransmitters, is free will an illusion? It appears that the brain is aware of itself after neurons have been fired, just as neurons would be aware of themselves after cells have interacted, and…

In a future with vastly superior computers that can handle and answer any question thrown at them, what would I do? Do I continue to find a brighter light to shine into the void like a program calculating pi? Or do I look into the darkness and create beauty and meaning through art? Or do I follow the Zen path by observing the absurdity of these infinite loops and paradoxes from outside this system? Or do I…
return 0;

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