A potent mix of wonder
Ignorance and fear
A place to hide under
A secret place to keep
Self-serving answers
Paper-thin belief
Come bury your soul with me
I know I'd like
A concious life
I don't know how to get there
I don't know hot to get there
So keep me right
We're wasting time
I don't know how to get there
I dont know how
Stand up and fight
For all you've yet to know
Coma boy
A bloated rich endeavour
Unnecessary care
Something I should bury
Or something I should share
Listen for doubtful ramblings
And you'll find me there
Come bury your soul with me
It's not something
To love or hate
But don't you dare go throw it away
May you be all you can be
Coma boy
Welcome to my mind. It's not a safe place. Follow me or be lost. ...What the fuck was I thinking?
Bill Hicks
the sign of intelligence is that you are constantly wondering. idiots are always dead sure about every damn thing.
Donnerstag, 28. November 2013
Sonntag, 24. November 2013
Samstag, 23. November 2013
Freitag, 22. November 2013
Donnerstag, 21. November 2013
Dienstag, 19. November 2013
Samstag, 16. November 2013
Freitag, 15. November 2013
Donnerstag, 14. November 2013
Dienstag, 12. November 2013
21st century Gypsies: Stunning pictures show how new-age travellers are now adopting traditional horse-drawn caravans
They were the inner-city youth who, fuelled by punk spirit, anarchist philosophy and a hate of Margaret Thatcher, clambered aboard a fleet of battered old vehicles to shun the trappings of the modern world for a life of nomadic freedom.
And while today's new-age travellers appears to have taken the philosophy even further, preferring to use traditional horse-drawn caravans instead of gas-guzzling vans, they also appear to be embracing the modern technology like mobile phones, laptops and even Facebook.
During the late 1980s and 1990s stories about the travellers were commonplace - illegal raves, clashes with the police, drug busts and fury at the criminal justice act.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article
They were the inner-city youth who, fuelled by punk spirit, anarchist philosophy and a hate of Margaret Thatcher, clambered aboard a fleet of battered old vehicles to shun the trappings of the modern world for a life of nomadic freedom.
And while today's new-age travellers appears to have taken the philosophy even further, preferring to use traditional horse-drawn caravans instead of gas-guzzling vans, they also appear to be embracing the modern technology like mobile phones, laptops and even Facebook.
During the late 1980s and 1990s stories about the travellers were commonplace - illegal raves, clashes with the police, drug busts and fury at the criminal justice act.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article
Montag, 11. November 2013
The Modern Shaman: Awakening From the Slumber of Our Culture
In the Western world, when we hear the word “shaman,” most of us
tend to conjure up an image of a masked and costumed indigenous tribal
person, dancing around a fire in the dark, involved in some sort of
mysterious ritual, accompanied by singing and drum beats. But inside
that cultural shell of mask, costume and ritual, there is a woman or a
man with a set of very real skills. The shaman is the master of the
trance experience. (read more http://altering-perspectives.com)
Sonntag, 10. November 2013
Freitag, 8. November 2013
Mittwoch, 6. November 2013
How To Bulletproof Yourself from McDonalds & The Fast-Food Temptation
When we look back through history, there are some things our predecessors did that makes no sense at all now. Trying to cure diseases through blood-letting? Hunting for witches? Denying women the right to vote? That stuff was non-sense.
In 50 years, I predict that our grand-children will look back at our “Fast Food Era”, and wonder “What the hell were they thinking?!”
Let’s think about it for a second. We know fast-food is terrible for us, we know it makes us feel like crap, and we know it’s the enemy of the rocking body we desire. Yet, fast-food sales are going up each year, and McDonalds achieved record revenues last year.
I believe that as a society, we are failing big time.
How is this happening?
(readmore http://www.highexistence.com)Dienstag, 5. November 2013
"This is a donut. It is very sweet, and very good. But if you’ve never tasted a donut, you wouldn’t really know how sweet and how good a donut is… Transcendental Meditation is like that."
Be David's guest at Change Begins Within in NYC: http://urgencynetwork.com/ changebeginswithin
- David Lynch
Sonntag, 3. November 2013
Samstag, 2. November 2013
Freitag, 1. November 2013
Od dlugiego czasu podejrzewalem, ze zwiazek z druga osoba, - taki prawdziwy -, nie jest mozliwy. Ciekawi mnie czy sie z tym nie zgodzisz, albo podejrzewam, ze myslisz to co ja.
Rowniez w innych kwestiach . Wiec powiedz mi, czy mozliwe jest poznanie czlowieka tak naprawde? Czy warto za tym podazac?.......
Ufam tylko twojej opini. Jedynemu punktowi widzenia, ktory oprze sie nawet najleprzym korzyscia. Jak zawsze znalazlem cos co odwraca moja uwage, ale dni sa dlugie w tym szarym miescie.
Mam nadzieje ze wkrotce napiszesz.
Rowniez w innych kwestiach . Wiec powiedz mi, czy mozliwe jest poznanie czlowieka tak naprawde? Czy warto za tym podazac?.......
Ufam tylko twojej opini. Jedynemu punktowi widzenia, ktory oprze sie nawet najleprzym korzyscia. Jak zawsze znalazlem cos co odwraca moja uwage, ale dni sa dlugie w tym szarym miescie.
Mam nadzieje ze wkrotce napiszesz.
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