Welcome to my mind. It's not a safe place. Follow me or be lost. ...What the fuck was I thinking?
Bill Hicks
the sign of intelligence is that you are constantly wondering. idiots are always dead sure about every damn thing.
Samstag, 31. Mai 2014
Donnerstag, 29. Mai 2014
Montag, 26. Mai 2014
Somewhere someone's sleeping
Somewhere someone's weeping
Somewhere someone's listening
To the sound of a record spinning
Sing to me now
Right out your window
Your father'd be proud
Now that it's simple
But don't sing too loud
You'll wake up the neighbors
And they will complain
So I must persuade them
Hold it right there
I don't wanna move
And summer it begs
It begs us to prove
That we can last
Just one more season
And that there
Gives me a reason
Secrets are for keeping
That's what gives them their meaning
It's your certain proclamation
And it needs no explanation
I for one I'm willing
To stay here until you're willing
Maybe you're not ready
To handle something steady
Somewhere someone's weeping
Somewhere someone's listening
To the sound of a record spinning
Sing to me now
Right out your window
Your father'd be proud
Now that it's simple
But don't sing too loud
You'll wake up the neighbors
And they will complain
So I must persuade them
Hold it right there
I don't wanna move
And summer it begs
It begs us to prove
That we can last
Just one more season
And that there
Gives me a reason
Secrets are for keeping
That's what gives them their meaning
It's your certain proclamation
And it needs no explanation
I for one I'm willing
To stay here until you're willing
Maybe you're not ready
To handle something steady
Sonntag, 25. Mai 2014
Sir Marc Aurel Stein (1862-1943)
Three tomb guardians from tomb Ast iii.2. at Astana cemetery (Kazakhstan), 23 January 1915.
Freitag, 23. Mai 2014
“Ride the beast
well, my daughter.
The way only we can,
yoke him, grab his powerful
and under your grasping
he will yield,
as only the most powerful,
the most virile,
the most exceptional
For within you blooms
the absolute power
and fortitude,
given only to the most
of soft petaled flowers,
making the most
furtive bees
dizzy in the wake of
intoxicating perfume.
It is the greatest of
and the secret they
have sought to render
only they also knew
one day we
would return.
Not as brides, or servants,
or chattel,
but as warriors,
born to set the world
– Priestess of Babalon, Templum Babalonis
Donnerstag, 22. Mai 2014
Dienstag, 20. Mai 2014
Dienstag, 13. Mai 2014
Sonntag, 11. Mai 2014
Dienstag, 6. Mai 2014
Nasze poczucie moralnosci jest w rzeczywistosci zakorzenione
w obwodach naszego mozgu.
Ale z jaka iloscia tych obwodow sie rodzimy, a jak wiele z
nich krztaltuje sie poprzez nasze doswiadczenia zyciowe?
Oczywiscie, nasze rodziny moga wplywac na nasze poczucie
Jak rowniez wartosci spoleczne...wszystko od Kodeksu
Hammurabiego do Dziesieciu Przykazan,az do pieciu niezbednych „robic i nie
robic“ na internetowych randkach.
Albo tak przynajmniej mi powiedziano :)
Jest tak wiele zewnetrznych przyczyn, dlatego przestrzegamy
pewnych zasad lub zachowujemy sie w okreslony sposob.
Ale jest rowniez mozliwe, iz niektorzy ludzie rodza sie z
silniejszym charakterem moralnym niz inni.
Freitag, 2. Mai 2014
Badania wykazaly, ze posiadanie wiekszej kory
oczodolowo-przedczolowej koreluje z wieksza iloscia przyjaciol, co dowodzi raz
na zawsze, ze rozmiar ma znaczenie. :)))
To nie wszystko co sie liczy.
O jakich przyjaciolach mowimy?
Przyjaciele z pracy, znajomi z Internetu, przyjaciele z
Przyjaciele, ktorzy wyniosa twoje smieci....czy najlepszy
Zdrowy rozsadek podpowiada nam, ze im bardziej pielegnujemy
przyjazn, tym glebiej rosnie.
Z drugiej strony, jesli ja zaniedbamy, to
zaniknie, chyba, ze przyjaciel stanie
sie twoja rodzina.
W tym przypadku, mniej wiecej, utkneliscie z nimi, bez
wzgledu na wszystko.
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