Bill Hicks

the sign of intelligence is that you are constantly wondering. idiots are always dead sure about every damn thing.

Sonntag, 30. Oktober 2011

Tool | Parabola

We barely remember, who or what came before this precious moment.
We are choosing to be here, right now. Hold on, stay inside…
This holy reality, this holy experience. Choosing to be here in…

This body. This body holding me. Be my reminder here that I am not alone in
This body, this body holding me, feeling eternal all this pain is an illusion.

Alive… I…

In this holy reality, in this holy experience. Choosing to be here in…

This body. This body holding me. Be my reminder here that I am not alone in
This body, this body holding me, feeling eternal all this pain is an illusion.

Twirling ‘round with this familiar parable.
Spinning, weaving ‘round each new experience.
Recognize this as a holy gift and celebrate this
chance to be alive and breathing,
a chance to be alive and breathing.

This body holding me reminds me of my own mortality.
Embrace this moment. Remember; we are eternal,
all this pain is an illusion.

Secret to Enlightenment

This morning during my sit, I came to a very powerful realization. I feel like I have been searching for enlightenment, but this whole time knew I already possessed it. It’s a strange thing to search for something you know you already have, but I guess if you live in denial then you have to sift through the dirt of delusion to finally find the gold. THERE IS NO ENLIGHTENMENT! It’s like when Dorthy got to the end of the yellow brick road and into Emerald City (of Oz) only to realized she already had what she was searching for all along.
There is only equanimity, true acceptance of this moment here and now. People get to this through meditation, art, psychedelics, sex, prayer, physical activity. It’s all about being here and now! I feel like the label often illustrated as “Enlightenment” is just a full acceptance of the pain and pleasure, good and evil, just being a pure being and living in acceptance with what is, NO MATTER WHAT IT IS.

Samstag, 29. Oktober 2011

Using your hands = "mental vitamin"

When you do meaningful work with your hands, a kind of neurochemical feedback floods your brain with dopamine and serotonin. These happy brain chemicals are natural antidepressants, and we’ve evolved to release them both to reward ourselves for working with our hands and to motivate ourselves to do it some more.

First, God as Being…
From Being comes Mind…
From Mind comes Desire…
From Desire comes Will…
From Will comes Word…
From the Word comes everything else…

It makes physics so much more interesting ! :)

"You know quite well, deep within you, that there is only a single magic, a single power, a single salvation…and that is called loving. Well then, love your suffering. Do not resist it, do not flee from it. It is only your aversion to it that hurts, nothing else."
- Hermann Hesse

Wherever I go, I meet myself.




I begin all my mornings half-way submerged in water.

It grounds me, energizes me for the day when I get a chance to physically connect to the water. Was definitely meant to be a Aquarius. :P

Then tea, a bit of meditation and yoga to stretch those tired muscles and understand where and how my soul is sitting…then I can tackle the day.

Cymatics, Water-Sound Imaging



Seeing Sound

Sound is an invisible force that permeates every aspect of our lives. With the exception of music, many man- made sounds are jarring while the sounds of Nature tend to flow over and around us like soothing waters, lifting our spirit, inspiring us, exciting us. Yet if we could see sound our world would be even more beautiful than we could imagine. It would be a world filled with shimmering holographic bubbles, each displaying a kaleidoscopic pattern on its surface. To see sound is to open a new window onto our world, one that has been veiled in mystery until recently.

When the microscope and telescope were invented centuries ago, new realms came into view that were not even suspected to exist—a Universe in miniature under the microscope and a Universe so immense that centuries of research lie before us with the telescope. Now, like the microscope and telescope that preceded it, the CymaScope instrument allows us to see a previously invisible realm—the world of sound— helping us to gain a deeper and fuller understanding of life and the Universe. The CymaScope uses the science of ‘cymatics’ to make sound visible, by imprinting sound’s invisible vibrations onto the surface of ultra pure water to reveal its once-hidden geometric structures.
This new scientific frontier reveals aspects of Nature every bit as authentic as a flower or a butterfly, the stars in the heavens or starfish in the oceans—in fact, as we will come to see in this article, sound is just as much at work in the interior of a star as iis in the organs of a starfish or in the cells of your body. Sound lies at the heart of every aspect of Nature, underpinning all of Creation. Cymatics will, in the future, enable humanity to understand far more about the Universe and our world than was possible with previous technologies. The CymaScope and the science of cymatics provide a bridge that will lead to significant advancements in knowledge.

The Shape of Sound

Before looking at cymatics more closely let us dispel the popularly held misconception that ‘sound is a wave’. It isn’t. All audible sounds are, in fact, spherical in form orspheroidal, that is to say audible sounds are sphere-like but not necessarily perfectly spherical. For the sake of simplicity we’ll call these spheroidal sound spheres ‘sound bubbles.’
Our world is teeming with beautiful holographic sound bubbles that envelop us in shimmering patterns of acoustic energy, each bubble rushing away at around 700 miles an hour as new bubbles form from the source of the sound. Whether the sound is emitted from your voice or from some other source, such as a musical instrument, this ‘bubble-in-a-hurry’ leaves a fleeting vibrational imprint on the surface of your body: every cell in the surface tissues of your body actually receives sound patterns from the bubbles that surround you. However, only low frequency sounds can penetrate the interior of your body. To understand more fully how your cells respond to the healing power of audible sounds please refer to our previous Veritas article, Rediscovering The Art And Science Of Sound Healing.

Yet, despite the fact that sound is not a wave, the term ‘sound wave’ is in general use throughout the world, which is rather amazing when sound waves don’t actually exist! So let us briefly discuss how this strange anomaly has occurred.
Sound is basically periodic movements of air molecules bumping into each other. These movements of sound can be described mathematically and when plotted graphically the shape of the graph does indeed look like a wave. However, if we could see audible sounds shimmering in the air around us we would see beautiful bubbles, not waves, so it is misleading to say that sound is a ‘wave.’ If what is actually a bubble is described as a wave it is possible that incorrect conclusions will be made about the way Nature works.

In the illustration below a slice through a sound bubble is depicted. The peaks of the graph represent the regions of high-pressure air within the sound bubble, whereas the mid points of the graph represent the areas of low-pressure air. The ‘space-form’ of audible sound is indeed bubble-like whereas the graph—often referred to as a sound wave—is merely a mathematical depiction of the peaks and valleys of sound pressure.

Freitag, 28. Oktober 2011

This video is very very interesting


NASA Satellite photo over India, as the festival of lights begins.

Donnerstag, 27. Oktober 2011

We depend on nature not only for our physical survival. We also need nature to show us the way home, the way out of the prison of our minds. We got lost in doing, thinking, remembering, anticipating-lost in a maze of complexity and a world of problems. We have forgotten what rocks, plants and animals still know. We have forgotten how to be–to be still, to be ourselves, to be where life is: here and now.


In my next life I want to live my life backwards. You start out dead and get that out of the way. Then you wake up in an old people’s home feeling better every day. You get kicked out for being too healthy, go collect your pension, and then when you start work, you get a gold watch and a party on your first day. You work for 40 years until you’re young enough to enjoy your retirement. You party, drink alcohol, and are generally promiscuous, then you are ready for high school. You then go to primary school, you become a kid, you play. You have no responsibilities, you become a baby until you are born. And then you spend your last 9 months floating in luxurious spa-like conditions with central heating and room service on tap, larger quarters every day and then Voila! You finish off as an orgasm!

— Woody Allen 



"Lo que es, no será"
frases tan comunes pero tan llenas de verdad.
"Cada quien, cada cual",
"entre las cenizas ave fénix renacerá".

Mi destino está escrito

"El amor puede más",
"pájaro en mano", juntos ver a otros volar.
"No hay mal que por bien no venga, siempre",
"el cariño se entrega ciegamente".

De mis manos sale un río,
agua turbia tiene frío.

Mi destino está escrito.
Mi destino está escrito.

I love it!!!!

Dienstag, 25. Oktober 2011


Awesome !! I love it! haha

Flower of Life

Montag, 24. Oktober 2011

I warn you, whoever you are,

Oh, you who wish to probe the arcanes of nature, if you do not find within yourself that which you seek, neither shall you be able to find it outside. If you ignore the excellencies of your own house, how do you intend to find other excellencies? In you is hidden the treasure of treasures. Oh, man, know yourself and you shall know the Universe and the Gods!
Samael Aun Weor, The Revolution of the Dialectic

Sonntag, 23. Oktober 2011

It’s Time to Wake Up.

Children today are born into a society in which attachment to all things material and physical fuel the economy and dominate our culture, while the mere idea of Oneness, God, and spirituality in general are considered psychotic and delusional.
Some of us, however, are born with an innate sense that something is very wrong with the ways of this world. Ever since childhood we felt a pull, a persistent intuition that this is not how the world is supposed to be; that it was meant for something much, much greater.

Because our intuition clashes so harshly with the ideals of the modern world, many of us have tried to mask our inner urges; we felt helpless. “What could I even do?” “They’d think I’m crazy.” “No one will listen, other people don’t want to hear about this.”
So we try to attach ourselves to worldly things, since that’s what people do in the world today, that’s what fuels the economy, and it’s reflected in our entire culture. We try desperately to cling to something - ANYTHING - that we think will distract us from our spiritual and existential thirsts and replace them with ego. It could be through drugs, excessive shopping, gaming, drinking, smoking, even studying.. anything that we can use to inflate our egos so that we don’t have to deal with that constant voice in our head that echoes, “isn’t there more to life than this?” 
But the voice doesn’t leave. And for a good reason.
Well guess what; you’re not alone.
People like you and I, we aren’t rare. We’re everywhere; and we’re starting to realize who we REALLY are.
It all starts in the mind. YOU are the creater, sustainer and destroyer of the entire universe. It’s the YOUniverse. When you pay attention, you begin to realize that the thoughts you cling to send vibrations to the EXTERIOR world; yes, your thoughts DIRECTLY influence the awareness of the entire world around you.
If you wake up, THE WORLD WAKES UP.
Nobody can take away the power of your mind. No laws, no jail cell, nothing. Not even death. You are beyond everything. All you need to do is wake up, and realize this. That’s it.
That’s why you’ve always felt like there was something more. Your mind has the power to change the world with every thought. That’s what we are here to do.
THINK about it.


It's a clip from the movie "Blueberry"

Psychedelics, Prayer, Meditation, Art, Physical Activity

All different methods for connecting you to the Divine Now. No wrong way, no right way, only YOUR WAY. The secret is everything is just a method to getting you to pick up the key that is already inside yourself!

Ways to disconnect yourself from the Divine Now

DESIRE BEING IN THE DIVINE NOW. Already there! Never left. You just THINK you aren’t there.

Love the evil and the good and you will never leave love.

Samstag, 22. Oktober 2011

The Moment of TRUTH

Freitag, 21. Oktober 2011

Donnerstag, 20. Oktober 2011

Uns werden

Hackerparagraphen aufgetischt. Wir dürfen nicht mal Ping denken. Stattdessen will man uns mit schlampig programmierten Staatstrojanern überwachen. Versuche, ein offenes, dezentrales soziales Netzwerk zu schaffen, werden erschwert. Paypal sperrt das Spendenkonto von Diaspora.

“Der Computerclub hat überhaupt nichts aufgedeckt”

Ratet mal, wer hat gerade einen Kinderpornoring gesprengt hat?
Hinweis: Es ist nicht die Regierung.
Wer ist denn Mitglied in diesem Kinderpr0n-Netzwerk?
<lolita_fucker> some of the users of Lolita city are high level politicians, cardinals, and business men
<*****> who is lolita_fucker?
<*****> pedo server owner.

Funny... For a while.


Mittwoch, 19. Oktober 2011


It’s coming again…

At that transition point,
you will realize how quick it was.
How close you were at every breath and glance.
Don’t hold onto fear now, clear your mind, let it flow.
You know what to do, you’ve always known.
Take it in, let it out, you’ve done this before.

It’s coming again…

The Unknown

Beckoning in unknown gestures,
through this realm is the only way.
The unwavering perfection of interconnectedness
if realized would be too much.
I’ve been there before, twice.


3 6 8

Synchronicity has joined us again,
now it is upon my discretion.
We will meet but few times a lifetime.
You will change me, you have changed me , you will change me again.
There is some unimaginable powers that surrounds this now,
everybody feels it now.
I shake in extreme anticipation. I step up, time to feel real.
The next 4 minutes will be in another time, another place, a fraction of lights distance away.
Forever there, hidden in that alien dimension.
You will give my perception the speed it needs
to catch a glimpse.

The call of Barong

Barong is a character in the mythology of Bali. He is the king of the spirits & leader of the hosts of good.

Hanab Ku

The earliest known reference to the term “Hunab Ku” (which translates as “Sole God” or “Only God”) appears in the 16th century Diccionario de Motul, where “Hunab-ku” is identified as “the only living and true god, also the greatest of the gods of the people of Yucatan. He had no form because they said that he could not be represented as he was incorporeal”. The term also appears in the Book of Chilam Balam of Chumayel, written after the Spanish Conquest, but is unknown in any pre-Conquest inscriptions in Maya writing. Hunab Ku was closely associated with an indigenous creator god, Itzamna, in an effort to make use of religious syncretism. An assertion that Hunab Ku was the high god of the Mayas can be found in Sylvanus Morley’s classic book The Ancient Maya (1946). However, this interpretation is not widely accepted by Mayanist scholars today.

Art ;) 


THRIVE: What On Earth Will It Take?


Dienstag, 18. Oktober 2011

Give up defining yourself - to yourself or to others. You won’t die. You will come to life. And don’t be concerned with how others define you. When they define you, they are limiting themselves, so it’s their problem.
Whenever you interact with people, don’t be there primarily as a function or a role, but as the field of conscious presence. You can only lose something that you have, but you cannot lose something that you are.


"Man is in the process of changing, to forms that are not of this world; grows he in time to the formless, a plane on the cycle above. Know ye, ye must become formless before ye are one with the light."
- Emerald Tablets of Thoth

"Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakens."
- Carl Jung

Montag, 17. Oktober 2011

If my dream was true, then everything we know,
everything we think we know is a lie

Personal Spiritual Evolution:

Upon incarnating into a physical body, we experience an occultation of awareness and forget who we are. Then social conditioning and biological impulses graft a false identity upon us that is in total discord with our true spiritual nature. Most people wear this false identity for life and fail to recognize and fulfill their true reasons for incarnating. But for others, intuition and experiences help them realize that there is more to life than the material world (matrix) admits. Throughout life these individuals experience higher impulses guiding them toward becoming lucid in this dream, while simultaneously lower impulses beckon them toward sleep. For those who consistently listen to their higher impulses, inner and outer life transforms and begins to operate under divine instead of material laws, removing limitations of the latter and opening up new possibilities. This is the process of transcending the matrix, using higher laws to override lower ones by developing and purifying one’s internal nature to resonate with higher realms of existence. This is a prerequisite for fulfilling one’s potential.

Sonntag, 16. Oktober 2011

Freitag, 14. Oktober 2011


It's too late to try and take it back now
String me up and hang me upside down
How long before my head hits the ground?
This ain't easy for me.

It's further from the truth, it may seem
I lied because I want you to believe me
I know I've got it coming, wait and see

Tell me, that's not how it's supposed to be
It's the last time I'll be on my knees
That's not how it's supposed to be.

So sad, yeah, I ain't got much to show
How long before they start throwing stones?
Watch me as I'm pelted to the bone
And make a song for me



The Singularity of Human Complexity and the Coming Galactic Shift

Spiritual growth and the rescuing of the human species do not occur from a higher intelligence saving us from our own destructive habits. For nothing would then be experienced by the humans for spiritual progress to occur. The same narcissist behaviors would eventually resume, only finding us once again looking for an external savior for salvation. This is the suppressing ideological construct of victim-hood raising its forlorn head once again. That must be a thought process that requires transcendence if ever we are to release the human condition from its looping noose.

Spirituality at this point in galactic cycles is an inner, personal experience, and must be acknowledged as such. In other words, you alone are responsible for inner growth and enlightenment. Spiritual realization and growth will not, cannot, take place if you are waiting for an external source to make the change for you, although in all likelihood it will precipitate the change. Expanded awareness and the higher manifestations of spiritual shift in the conscious mind begins from personal experiences and an acknowledgement that we are all one unified glorious creation contained, and integral to, our environment as a vast living organism in an energetic myopic soup.

First, you must consider the possibility, in regard to something being infinite and multi-dimensional. There are an infinite number of dimensions, though only a small number are available to us. There is no road map, so you will get different answers from different religious traditions on what and who resides in what dimensions or densities.

‘Infinite’ is a concept that is extremely difficult for the human mind to attempt to comprehend, and, in fact, can never truly be comprehended by any human mind. So you end up relying on the usage of analogies and archetypes and metaphors to construct some type of resemblance to the unattainable abstract concept that you are attempting to fathom and/or express. This is a symbolic use of language, for there are far more to an analogical thought than simply the definition of the words. This is true when attempting to explain spiritual experiences as well and is usually grossly misinterpreted by those seeking who have not yet any particular awakened experiences to give them a background or a foundation to base esoteric thought patterns in the proper context that the master or teacher is presenting. Much less a keystone to lock those patterns into place!

I must state at this point that much of this is changing rapidly in the face of accelerating dynamics surging us towards higher energetic vibrational levels of our solar system as we near galactic alignment. Manifestations of impossible experiences - whether dream related, trance induced, meditated altered states, or through external stimuli supplied by extraterrestrials, angels, spirit guides, etc., or maybe even the simple visual repercussions of witnessing first hand (by sight only) the entities and/or phenomenas mentioned – produces an immediate background construct that what we once thought was impossible. In the past it was something that had to be worked on for a lifetime, or lifetimes. The construct of something impossible has now been presented to our normal, everyday consciousness as an unmistakable reality. This is the coming into awareness that precedes and stimulates the awakening. It is the necessary stimulation of the present-day human psyche triggering an overwhelming need to search for the answer of what has just been experienced or witnessed. This stimulation is a driving force, it is the opening of universal awareness that drives a wedge into the present day understood paradigm, and initiates the cracking, and eventual transcendence, of its outdated modality. And the earnest seeking… begins.

Now, as impossible manifestations are glimpsed by those open enough to trust in the experience are being realized on a mass scale, the old paradigm of Master/Apprentice and Teacher/Student begins crumbling - as each is giving to the other, as much as the other is giving to them - into the myths of antiquity. This creates an exponential growth pattern that reverberates across genres, genders, governmental structures, religious dogma and doctrines, esoteric thought patterns, sciences and finally manifests as the advancing new paradigm.

The entire world is now going through this awareness to awakening process. And we, including the Earth herself, have to absorb this process and begin transformation at an accelerating pace due to the exponential law-types presented earlier. Pierre Teilhard de Chardin Law of Complexity/Consciousness, Vernor Vinge’s Technological Singularity, Ray Kurzweil’s Law of Accelerating Returns, and Terrence McKenna’s Novelty Theory not only are applied to their relative areas of research, but can also be applied to spiritual advancement, the increasing numbers of awakened individuals, as well as Ecological Collapse normally referred to as the Tipping Point theory. These are all unifying concepts that are recognizable due to the nearness of the approaching Singularity of human Complexity/Consciousness. We can easily visualize and perform the proper arithmetic presented in these laws since global events and occurrences of massive change are now taking place in the space of a single lifetime. - SickScent

Understanding the Awakening Process

A definition of spiritual enlightenment or spiritual awakening is hard to pin down. This is, in part, because “spiritual enlightenment” and “spiritual awakening” have been used in so many ways to describe so many things, similar to the way in which “love” is used to describe everything from a preference for ice cream to a merging with everything. And it is also because spiritual enlightenment and spiritual awakening are such rich and complex experiences that they are innately hard to define.
Some definitions are very specific and narrow. One such definition for spiritual enlightenment is the complete dissolution of one’s identity as a separate self with no trace of the egoic mind remaining. This sets the bar very high and means that very few people qualify as enlightened.
The opposite approach is to say that everyone is enlightened, that there is only awake consciousness. In this view, it’s only a question of whether this natural awakeness has been recognized or not. Of course, when a word describes everything or everyone, it loses some of its usefulness. If everyone is enlightened, then why even talk about it?
Perhaps there’s a definition that includes both of these perspectives, which recognizes that consciousness is always awake and enlightened, but the amount of awakeness, or aware consciousness, that is present in any moment can vary. This definition acknowledges that there’s a difference in the amount of awakeness, or enlightened consciousness, that different people experience or that one person experiences at different times but still suggests that the potential for full awareness or becoming enlightened is the same for everybody. If every apparent individual consciousness is infinite in its potential, then each can also be infinite both in its capacity to expand or awaken and in its capacity to contract or identify with a narrow or limited experience.
If all consciousness is made of the same essential awareness and light, and if everyone has an equal potential for enlightenment, then all expressions of consciousness are equally valid and valuable. Everyone truly is a Buddha or enlightened being, at least in potential. So defining enlightenment in many ways now makes sense, depending on what is being pointed to. One may use the word enlightenment to point to the state of self-realization beyond the ego or to point to the innate potential for this realization in all of us.
As for differentiating between the words enlightenment and awakening, “enlightenment” implies a more finished and constant state of realization, while “awakening” has more of the active quality of a verb and therefore suggests a movement or shift in consciousness. An awakening may be defined as a sudden increase in the overall amount of consciousness an individual is experiencing. There can be small awakenings and bigger awakenings. Not only does consciousness have unlimited potential for the amount of awakeness, but it also has an unlimited potential to shift in any way, at any moment. Consciousness can and sometimes does shift from contracted states of fear, anger, or hurt to expanded states of peace and joy in an instant. Unfortunately, it can also shift in the other direction. Consciousness has no fixed state.
As it is being defined here, a spiritual awakening is a sudden expansion or shift in consciousness, especially a more dramatic one (we don’t usually refer to a minor realization as a spiritual awakening). Enlightenment, on the other hand can be used to mark a particular level of realization or awakeness, even if the exact definition varies depending on who is using the word, as it does with every word. 

What really matters is what your awareness is doing right now. How is your consciousness appearing or shifting in this moment? Are you realizing more of your experience and Essence right now? Or are you contracting and limiting your awareness with thoughts and identification? Is any shifting happening from reading these words?

Enlightenment or awakening is a profound mystery, and the best definition may be found in the actual experience of your own shifts in consciousness. Just as it’s more nourishing to eat an apple than read about one, so it can be more rewarding to explore the movements of your own awareness than to try to understand these things mentally. While definitions of such things can be helpful, it can also be beneficial to not have too many concepts, which could interfere with your actual experience. It’s a good thing that language isn’t so fixed or defined when it comes to spiritual unfoldment. Maybe the best definition of enlightenment is no definition. Then there is only what is found in your own direct experience of awareness.
Consider the miracle of a flower. What is it that causes a plant to flower? Does sunshine cause a plant to flower? Does lots of water? Or is it good soil? Maybe all of these together? Or is there really something more subtle in the nature of the flower itself that causes it to flower? Is it something in the DNA of the plant? Does that mean the whole process of evolution over eons of time is involved? What other factors might cause the flowering? Does gravity play a part? The season and the temperature? The quality of the light? (Some plants will not flower under glass or artificial light.) What about animals that eat the fruit and spread the plant? Or the birds or bees that pollinate the flower? Do they cause the subsequent flowering of the newly established plants? Are there even subtler influences? What about presence and love? The intention and attention of a gardener? And is the existence of the world of form itself necessary for a plant to flower? And what about consciousness? Is there an ultimate force that directs the creation and unfolding of all expressions of form that is behind the appearance of a rose or a daisy?
What if it is a combination of all of the things mentioned? And also what if they have to all be in the right proportion? Is that proportion different for every species of plant? Some plants need lots of water or light to flower. Others will die with too much water or light. There is a unique formula that is involved with the appearance of the simplest apple blossom and the most complex orchid.
When you consider all of these influences and even more that were not mentioned or can’t even be known or imagined, then it truly is a miracle when a flower happens. It is impossible to say what causes it to happen with any certainty or completeness. Yet, it’s an act of incredible grace whenever all of these diverse, subtle, and gross influences come together in just the right way for an iris or a bird of paradise to open its unique petals to the sky. Ultimately, if you trace all the factors back to all their causes, you find that everything that exists is somehow intimately connected to the cactus flower or dandelion in your front yard. We need a vague and powerful word like “grace” to name this amazing interplay of forces and intelligence. Obviously, to reduce it to a formula doesn’t come close to capturing or describing the vast richness of variables and forces at play. There is no formula complex enough to capture the whole mystery of a magnolia blossom…
Spiritual awakening is a kind of flowering of consciousness. When consciousness expands and opens into a new expression, we call that a spiritual awakening. And while there are as many kinds of awakenings as there are flowers, they are all equally mysterious. What is it that causes a child to start to awaken to the nature of words and language? What causes the awakening of sexuality in a teenager? How does one suddenly know they are falling in love? Or even more profoundly, how does one explain the birth of unconditional or divine love?
Finally, what are the causes of the most profound spiritual awakenings, where consciousness suddenly recognizes its ultimate true nature? Why does that type of flowering appear in one consciousness today and another one tomorrow? If the formula for a simple petunia is a vastly complex interplay of earthly, human, and even cosmic forces, then imagine how complex the formula is for the unfolding of a human consciousness into full spiritual enlightenment as one’s true nature. The good news is that we cannot and do not need to know the totality of the formula involved to grow some petunias, and we cannot and do not need to know the formula for spiritual enlightenment. Yet, we can be curious about all of the factors involved and even play with them to see what effects, if any, they may have in our individual experience of consciousness unfolding.
Sometimes the mysteriousness and unpredictability of the whole process of awakening leads us to shrug our shoulders and say it is all up to grace or to God. And, of course, that is true; and yet, does that mean there’s no place in this unfolding for our own actions? Is there a place for spiritual practice? What about meditation, self-inquiry, or study of spiritual texts? And how about devotional practices or the transmission of presence from being with a great teacher or master? We can easily become disillusioned with any or all of these activities because the results they produce are so unpredictable and varied, and it can seem simpler to avoid the question of their role altogether. Ask any gardener if it works every time to water and weed and fertilize a plant? Or does a plant sometimes fail to flower no matter how well it is cared for? But does that mean you never water or fertilize your plants?
At other times we can be overly convinced that our practice or inquiry will lead to the desired results, often because it seemed to work at least once for us, or for someone we know. The only problem with spiritual practices is that they occasionally work! Then we think that we have the formula and that every time we sit down to meditate or ask, “Who am I?” we will have that same experience of expansion or awakening again. That is like thinking you will always have a bumper crop of marigolds every time you plant them.
There is a middle way between denying the importance or role of spiritual practice and having unrealistic expectations that self-inquiry, meditation, or devotional practice is going to, by itself, cause an awakening. We can experiment and play with these processes, just as a gardener will experiment with different fertilizers or watering patterns to see what happens. It ultimately is all up to grace, and yet, what if grace works through us as well as on us? What if spiritual practice is as much a part of the mystery of existence as anything else?
Maybe we can hold the question of what role inquiry, devotion, effort, surrender, transmission, meditation, gratitude, intention, silencing the mind, study of spiritual books, involvement with a teacher or master, ripeness of the student, karma, grace, and luck play in our enlightenment with an openness and curiosity, instead of a need to define their roles once and for all. The flowering of consciousness in your own existence is as unique as every flower, and ultimately we are all here to discover how it is going to happen uniquely this time around. What is your consciousness like right now? How open is the flower of your awareness? Is it still budding or has it blossomed? Just as every flower fades and another comes along, what about now? And now? What happens this time when you meditate? What happens now when you inquire “Who am I?” How does it feel right now to open your heart with gratitude even if nothing much is happening? What impact does reading this article or any other piece of writing have on you? Every stage of a plant’s existence is valuable and even necessary for its flowering. Your experience is always adding to the richness of the unfolding of consciousness in this moment. May you enjoy the garden of your true nature, including when spiritual awakenings are blooming, and when spiritual enlightenment seems far away.

Donnerstag, 13. Oktober 2011

Think different.

An alle, die anders denken:
Die Rebellen,
die Idealisten,
die Visionäre,
die Querdenker,
die, die sich in kein Schema pressen lassen,
die, die Dinge anders sehen.
Sie beugen sich keinen Regeln,
und sie haben keinen Respekt vor dem Status Quo.
Wir können sie zitieren, ihnen widersprechen, sie bewundern oder ablehnen.
Das einzige, was wir nicht können, ist sie zu ignorieren,
weil sie Dinge verändern,
weil sie die Menschheit weiterbringen.
Und während einige sie für verrückt halten,
sehen wir in ihnen Genies.
Denn die, die verrückt genug sind zu denken,
sie könnten die Welt verändern,
sind die, die es tun.

Stop spying on citizens

It’s just emerged that the government is turning peoples’ computers into spying machines! Now let’s build a mass public outcry to stop this, and secure our privacy and our rights.

The Behördentrojaner can be used to turn on our computer microphones and cameras to record us without our knowledge. Law enforcement agencies have repeatedly ignored our Supreme Court and deployed this spyware -- which goes far beyond legal wiretapping. While the government is considering whether to respond with a limited review or a full inquiry, our intervention can make the difference.

If we speak out now, we can get the Federal government to agree a public investigation and the establishment of an inclusive data protection-taskforce to maintain our privacy as the Supreme Court has ordered. Let's stand together to defend our rights and end this Orwellian nightmare - sign the petition and spread the word. It will be delivered directly to Interior Minister Friedrich and the Bundestag when we reach 100.000 signatures.

Sign the petition now!


Mittwoch, 12. Oktober 2011

“LSD Was One of The Best Things I’ve Done in My Life.”

-Steve Jobs
Steve was hardly alone among computer scientists in his appreciation of hallucinogenics and their capacity to liberate human thought from the prison of the mind. Jobs even let drop that Microsoft’s Bill Gates would “be a broader guy if he had dropped acid once.”
Apple’s mantra was “Think different.”
Jobs did.
And he credited his use of LSD as a major reason for his success.

To clear up any misconceptions...
Steve did LSD in college
The man who delivered (built) the Apple was the engineer, Steve Wozniak
Buzz and Woody signify Steve's acquisition of Pixar
The lightsaber battle indicates that Windows and Apple started competing
The phones being money indicate the iPhone's begginning
The man with the rainbow is Tim Cook, Apple's CEO
The rainbow probably indicates his involvement with LGBT
Steve Jobs machte nie ein Geheimnis daraus. Der Apple-Gründer nahm allerlei Drogen: nicht nur Mari­huana, auch LSD. Und er lobte den positiven Einfluss von LSD auf seine Kreativität.

Trips wichtig für Jobs

2005 bezeichnete Jobs die Trips als ­eines der drei wichtigsten Dinge, die er in seinem Leben tat. Wären also iPhone und Co. gar nie entstanden, wenn sich der kreative Kopf nicht ab und zu LSD eingeworfen hätte? ­Genau das fragte sich auch Albert Hofmann. Der Schweizer Chemiker und LSD-Entdecker schickte im Februar 2007 einen handgeschriebenen Brief an den Apple-Chef.

Darin schreibt Hofmann: «Lieber Herr Jobs, ich habe aus den Medien erfahren, dass ­Ihnen LSD bei der Entwicklung von Apple-Computern und bei Ihrer persönlichen spirituellen Suche kreativ geholfen hat. Ich bin daran interessiert, mehr ­darüber zu erfahren, wie LSD nützlich für Sie war.»

Ein gros­ses Anliegen Hofmanns, der 1943 die halluzinogene Wirkung des Stoffes entdeckt hatte und dadurch weltberühmt wurde. Sein Brief an Jobs endet mit den Worten: «Ich hoffe, Sie helfen mir dabei, mein Sorgenkind in ein Wunderkind zu verwandeln.»

Eigentlich sollten alle braven „Voll gegen Drogen“-Typen ihr iPhone für immer beiseite legen, weil dies nur ein Produkt illegaler Substanzen war, das sie ja verbieten wollen.

Entscheidend ist die Vision, die erst die Technologie erfand, die alles revolutionierte. Es waren keine Buchhalter, keine Securitys, keine Banker, keine Krawattenträger und Polizisten, sondern Freaks auf Drogen, die eine Idee hatten und als Looser die Chance hatten, diese zu verfolgen. Und Glück, dass sie dabei nicht von den Cops hochgenommen wurden.

Mutig ist es nicht, in einem Unternehmen einem Chef zu dienen und solange den Bückling zu machen, bis man selbst Chef wird. Mutig ist es, seinem Herz zu folgen – egal was alle sagen. Und machmal braucht es halt dazu Drogen, auch wenn Sie es nicht verstehen.

The Awareness

You must be ready to accept the possibility that there is a limitless range of awareness for which we now have no words; that awareness can expand beyond range of your ego, your self, your familiar identity, beyond everything you have learned, beyond your notions of space and time, beyond the differences which usually separate people from each other and from the world around them.

Dienstag, 11. Oktober 2011

Even the most nasty heartless shitbag deep down really is lonely and wants to be loved..
Isn’t that crazy?
The thing of it is you are all HUMAN…
You’re a social creature..
You might think you’re an introvert and shy away from human interaction but HERE YOU ARE - ON A FORUM - INTERACTING!
You just want to interact where it’s “safe”…
But it’s not safe is it?
What happens if you stick a human in a sensory deprivation tank?
Their own mind will start to make up shit for them to interact with!
What happens when you sleep?
Your mind makes up shit for you to interact with!
Your mind needs experience and craves to be LOVED and UNDERSTOOD by other minds!
I don’t know if this is good or bad but it is the way things are with humans..
I know sometimes they seem evil and disgusting.. and they ARE!
But try to remember they are ‘sick’, literally, and it’s lack of love and understanding that has brought them to this point…
There may be no going back for them and the rest of humanity..
They may be too damaged, too far gone to be ‘repaired’….
They may truly be ‘doomed’….
But you?
Maybe you have a chance….
Hows your faith these days, Padre?

3 Modes of Material nature.

    Those in the mode of goodness learn by hearing from a perfect source and accepting
    Those in the mode of passion have to learn by experience
    Those in the mode of ignorance never learn, even after repeated experiences of getting punishment.

Sonntag, 9. Oktober 2011

The Butterfly Circus

I am absolutely impressed,absolutely stunning, loved every second of it!

Samstag, 8. Oktober 2011

I have nothing but attention when I scream.
Sometimes I feel like a square trying to fit in all the wrong circles. It's hard to see your dreams when you're eyes are black and purple. Getting broken by the beat down in each and every small town. Some call it love I call it a heart attack with a new sound. Population you and me tonight we're speaking gospel to a handful turn up the lights so we can see and put our problems on the anvil. This place is an ashtray and you're anything but: the used up end of a cigarette where the nicotine cuts. So...Follow this second hand smoke and mirrors routine we can all be friends I promise it won't hurt to bleed. These are my deaf dumb blind scribblings every single word. My only prayer is that they're regarded as retarded and never heard. This all I have it's all I know it's not a lot. All I have are words, here this is all I got.

Hey I'm sorry because I've been gone such a long long time. please, I promise I'll be there for you.

I'd hit the pavement again but all my knuckles are broken, and there's no use saving them because all I'm doing is choking. It's another hundred miles on this long gray road I'm trying and another hundred dives in a row I'm diving in. That, glass of water so I can feel maybe something to fill this soul. We're all thirsty I know. Well I won't be your clown tonight. Sorry yall I've got no tricks, but I'm willing to take a look at what you need fixed. and that's all I have to offer I'm the cheap version of what you need. I'm a liar I cheat and I steal, it's all for me. This is my deepest secret please tell everyone you meet. This is all I have. I have nothing but attention when I scream.

Freitag, 7. Oktober 2011

he puts so much emotion into this. I fucking love this, all of this. Fuck the haters.


I met a shell of a mountain who knew she was finished
claimed she grew up from a grain of sand
with every year wider she bloomed a little bit longer
to the roof of the sky with outstretched hands
she made friends with the sun, shared enemies with no one
counted weeks like she should of counted days
and swallowed handfuls of night so she could sleep tight
and turn her thoughts from its stone cold ways

and this was the beginning, the start of the ending
you can't die from a broken heart
but from the time the sun rose
to the space where it fell away
she would love, and it wouldn't take part
and every every day she would echo echo
in every single way she should let go let go
but it had her in its sights cupids icy arrows

so she caught every one with her heart like it was her duty
it walked the wrong wrong way down her one way plan
she was surrounded by forests, rivers and beauty
until that glacier froze over the land
and so she blamed herself hated her wealth
she was born at too young of an age
and every night her dreams were touched by witches fingers
until her heart was caged.
with every morning spent not caring if she cares or not
sleeping in the melt and mud, waiting for the earth to rot
burying herself alive she scrapes the hole that it left open
empty as her very heart, that mountain was all broken
all broken, that mountain was all broken

I'm Feelin rough I'm Feelin raw
I'm in the prime of my life.

Let's make some music make some money
find some models for wives.

I'll move to Paris, shoot some heroin
and fuck with the stars.
You man the island and the cocaine
and the elegant cars.

This is our decision to live fast and die young.
We've got the vision, now let's have some fun.

Yeah it's overwhelming, but what else can we do?
Get jobs in offices and wake up
for the morning commute?

Forget about our mothers and our friends.
We're fated to pretend.
To pretend
We're fated to pretend.
To pretend

I'll miss the playgrounds and the animals
and digging up worms.
I'll miss the comfort of my mother
and the weight of the world.

I'll miss my sister, miss my father,
miss my dog and my home.
Yeah I'll miss the boredom and the freedom
and the time spent alone.

But there is really nothing, nothing we can do.
Love must be forgotten.
Life can always start up anew.

The models will have children, we'll get a divorce,
we'll find some more models,
Everything must run its course.

We'll choke on our vomit
and that will be the end.
We were fated to pretend.
To pretend
We're fated to pretend
To pretend
I said Yeah yeah yeah
Yeah yeah yeah
Yeah yeah yeah

Staatliche Demotivations- und Verdummungsanstalten


Und so hat man Sie N.O.R.M.A.L.™ gemacht. - *FUCK YOU*

Donnerstag, 6. Oktober 2011



Mittwoch, 5. Oktober 2011

Never have I dealt

with anything more difficult than my own soul, which sometimes helps me and sometimes opposes me.



Life is strange.

I did my soul cleansing, I righted my wrongs and moved forward. But I still feel so out of sync. I just, I need a friend, but all of mine have seemed to vanish in the haze.


Dienstag, 4. Oktober 2011

I spent the last 3 hours of the night

laying in bed with my eyes closed watching magical elves performing a cosmic sitcom.
My memory of the night before that point plays out like a slide show of cool music, cool people, lots of laughter, and one very obvious bookmark; like a little post it note that my mind left for my consciousness to let me know, “This is where you fucked up, dummy.”
Of course I said yes, and I’m pretty sure I said yes at least twice.
Like my friend often says, “If you’re gonna walk on ice, you might as well dance.”

Now, the big question is, can you get too high? Well, it’s impossible to die from it, but there’s a little known effect called the “one pass” that might just make you think you’re gonna.
The “one pass effect” is what happens when you eat cannabis.
I’ve known for a while that it was a completely different effect when you ate a pot brownie, and quite a bit stronger than smoking it, but I never understood why until my friend explained it to me the other night. The deal is, when you eat weed the THC is converted as it passes through your liver and kidneys into something called ”11 hydroxy metabolite,” a completely different psychoactive chemical, and it’s five times more potent that way than smoking it.
Either way, even in it’s most potent form cannabis is still basically harmless.
It can freak you out, but it can’t kill you, and as soon as it wears off you’re good as new.

If that’s the case, then why is it illegal?

The Primal Grid, Earth’s Ley Lines and the Future of Humanity

Earth has a lattice of ley lines in its grid formation through its system that have existed before the earth took on matter. Looking and viewing this system, it very much resembles a spiders web. It is multi layered in it’s concept. Cob webs within Cob webs of energy. 
There were grid wars fought on getting a hold within this system, so corrupt people would hold power over the masses. The elite know how this system works and it’s connection to our awareness.  Because it’s multilayered, the elite have only limited access to this system through the ages. There is a very good link in the makeup of this grid and how we are structured.

These ley lines are very much like our nervous system. A lattice of lines that run through it’s structure. The grid has it’s main vortex points, as we have chakra systems that are linked. There is a much familiar look about how we are structured and the earth’s grid connection. 

The meridian and chakra points in our body are very similar to the grid structure of this planet and the universal grid. The grid has layers with different frequency’s and vibrations. this is what we term dimensions or realities.

To access these frequencies we need to change our perception and limitations on what we think we know. Most people that are familiar with this grid, say that Avebury is the major dimensional portal, linked to the grid.

Without a doubt this is not correct. The major switchboard to the primal grid is located at Giza’s pyramids.
This vortex is the major regulator to the other dimensions through the grid’s functions. The reason is simple that this is the major vortex. The great pyramid was one of the first of the great mystery schools on this planet that houses the entrance point to the unseen worlds.

This vortex was deactivated after certain people on this planet were intent on seizing it’s full use for there own gain. When this vortex was deactivated, the planet and it’s people fell from grace, so to speak.
The crystalline structure that’s imbedded with this structure, acted as a conduit to the unseen.
We as people are crystalline in structure, and so is Gaia. So you see the connection were crystal is the conduit that binds consciousness to reality and it’s frequencies.

There is only one way, and only one way to change things on this planet. we must reconnect to this grid. When we talk about being boxed in this perception which most are on this planet…the frequency range is locked at it’s same function to our consciousness at the moment.

The most important thing that we must do is to relearn our connection to this grid. This is our out to this reality. There is no other way. Within this reality you will alter nothing in their systems. Anything else than activating the grid to our consciousness is futile.