Bill Hicks

the sign of intelligence is that you are constantly wondering. idiots are always dead sure about every damn thing.

Sonntag, 31. Juli 2011



There is no moon
Reflecting in your eyes
No romantic midnight skies
No motive to disguise
It's not your man
That you're dreaming of
Your heart couldn't care enough
You're too tired to be in love

You want to know
What's that godawful sound
Something's dragging on the ground
The machine is breaking down
And you never asked
For more than you deserve
No shallow poetic words
From a song you've never heard

It's not your man

It's nobody's fault
Sometimes these things
Come to a screeching halt
Regretful of the past
You know these things don't last
A lifetime's not so fast
These things will never last

It's not your man
That you're dreaming of
Your heart couldn't care enough
You're too tired to be in love......

Samstag, 30. Juli 2011

All these accidents.....

All these accidents, that happen, follow the dot, coincidence,
Makes sense, only with you, you don't have to speak, I feel.

Emotional landscapes, they puzzle me, then the riddle gets solved, and you push me up to this
State of emergency, how beautiful to be, State of emergency, is where I want to be.

All that no-one sees, you see, what's inside of me, every nerve that hurts, you heal,
Deep inside of me, oo-oohh, you don't have to speak, I feel.

Emotional landscapes, they puzzle me - confuse, then the riddle gets solved, and you push me up to this
State of emergency, how beautiful to be, State of emergency, is where I want to be.


es la mejor voz que existe!

Freitag, 29. Juli 2011

"By any of the major criteria of harm - mortality, morbidity, toxicity, addictiveness and relationship with crime - cannabis is less harmful than any of the other major illicit drugs, or than alcohol or tobacco."
- Report of the British Police Foundation March 2000 

"You bet I did -— and I enjoyed it."
- Michael Bloomberg, New York City Mayor, when asked if he had ever smoked marijuana.

"That is not a drug. It's a leaf."
- Arnold Schwarzenegger about marijuana, 2007 

"I never understood that line. The point was to inhale. That was the point."
- Barack Obama, When asked, "Unlike other presidents, did you inhale?'

"Congress should definitely consider decriminalizing possession of marijuana.... We should concentrate on prosecuting the rapists and burglars who are a menace to society."
- U.S. Representative Dan Quayle, March 1977 

"The importation and sale of marijuana is condemned and punished as a serious crime, but we accept as legitimate the manufacture and sale of an infinitely more addictive and deadly drug: the nicotine in cigarettes that cost the lives of 390,000 American citizens last year."
- Jimmy Carter, 1990 

"The greatest service which can be rendered any country is to add a useful plant to its culture."
- Thomas Jefferson 

"Freedom is that faculty that enlarges the usefulness of all other faculties."
- Immanuel Kant 

"Estimates suggest that from 20 to 50 million Americans routinely, albeit illegally, smoke marijuana without the benefit of direct medical supervision. Yet, despite this long history of use and the extraordinarily high numbers of social smokers, there are simply no credible reports to suggest that consuming marijuana has caused a single death. By contrast, aspirin, a commonly used, over-the-counter medicine, causes hundreds of deaths each year."
- DEA Administrative Law Judge Francis L. Young      

Mittwoch, 27. Juli 2011

Terence McKenna

if the words life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness don´t include the right to experiments with your own consciousness, then the Declaration of Independence isn´t worth the hemp it was written on

Dienstag, 26. Juli 2011

Thank you Amy and Goodbye


...I came home this evening and nothing felt like how it should be
I feel like writing you a letter but that is not me... you know me
Feel so fucking angry; don't wanna be reminded of you
But when I left my shit in your kitchen, I said goodbye to your bedroom it smelled of you

Wack up

Somethin' filled up
my heart with nothin',
someone told me not to cry.

But now that I'm older,
my heart's colder,
and I can see that it's a lie.

Children wake up,
hold your mistake up,
before they turn the summer into dust.

If the children don't grow up,
our bodies get bigger but our hearts get torn up.
We're just a million little gods causin' rain storms turnin' every good thing to

I guess we'll just have to adjust.

With my lightnin' bolts a glowin'
I can see where I am goin' to be
when the reaper he reaches and touches my hand.

With my lightnin' bolts a glowin'
I can see where I am goin’
With my lightnin' bolts a glowin'
I can see where I am, go-go, where I am

You'd better look out below

Montag, 25. Juli 2011

Mittwoch, 20. Juli 2011

today quote

"Sanity and happiness are an impossible combination"

Mark Twain

Maybe it´s time to remember an old friend

WE MISS YOU is a social campaign that deals with our relationship to earth.

Dienstag, 19. Juli 2011

are you living...........

 My work and RATM! :D


It had to be flashin' like the daily double
It had to be playin' on TV
It had to be loud mouthed on the comedy hour
It had to be announced over loud speakers

The CIA and the Mafia are in cahoots

It had to be said in old ladies' language

It had to be said in American headlines
Kennedy stretched and smiled and got double crossed by lowlife goons and agents
Rich bankers with criminal connections
Dope pushers in CIA working with dope pushers from Cuba working with a
big time syndicate from Tampa, Florida
And it had to be said with a big mouth

It had to be moaned over factory foghorns

It had to be chattered on car radio news broadcasts
It had to be screamed in the kitchen
It had to be yelled in the basement where uncles were fighting

It had to be howled on the streets by newsboys to bus conductors

It had to be foghorned into New York harbor
It had to echo onto hard hats
It had to turn up the volume in university ballrooms

It had to be written in library books, footnoted

It had to be in the headlines of the Times and Le Monde
It had to be barked on TV
It had to be heard in alleys through ballroom doors

It had to be played on wire services

It had to be bells ringing
Comedians stopped dead in the middle of a joke in Las Vegas

It had to be FBI chief J. Edgar Hoover and Frank Costello syndicate

mouthpiece meeting in Central Park, New York weekends,
reported Time magazine

It had to be the Mafia and the CIA together starting war on Cuba,

Bay of Pigs and poison assassination headlines

It had to be dope cops in the Mafia

Who sold all their heroin in America

It had to be the FBI and organized crime working together

in cahoots against the commies

It had to be ringing on multinational cash registers

A world-wide laundry for organized criminal money

It had to be the CIA and the Mafia and the FBI together

They were bigger than Nixon
And they were bigger than war

It had to be a large room full of murder

It had to be a mounted ass- a solid mass of rage
A red hot pen
A scream in the back of the throat

It had to be a kid that can breathe

It had to be in Rockefellers' mouth
It had to be central intelligence, the family, allofthis, the agency Mafia
It had to be organized crime

One big set of gangs working together in cahoots


Murderers everywhere

The secret

The drunk
The brutal
The dirty and rich

On top of a slag heap of prisons

Industrial cancer
Plutonium smog
Garbage cities

Grandmas' bed soft from fathers' resentment

It had to be the rulers

They wanted law and order
And they got rich on wanting protection for the status quo

They wanted junkies

They wanted Attica
They wanted Kent State
They wanted war in Indochina


It had to be the CIA and the Mafia and the FBI

Multinational capitalists

Strong armed squads
Private detective agencies for the oh so very rich
And their armies and navies and their air force bombing planes

It had to be capitalism

The vortex of this rage
This competition
Man to man

The horses head in a capitalists' bed

The Cuban turf
It rumbles in hitmen
And gang wars across oceans

Bombing Cambodia settled the score when Soviet pilots

manned Egyptian fighter planes

Chiles' red democracy

Bumped off with White House pots and pans

A warning to Mediterranean governments

The secret police have been embraced for decades

The NKPD and CIA keep each other's secrets

The OGBU and DIA never hit their own
The KGB and the FBI are one mind

Brute force and full of money

Brute force, world-wide, and full of money
Brute force, world-wide, and full of money
Brute force, world-wide, and full of money
Brute force, world-wide, and full of money

It had to be rich and it had to be powerful

They had to murder in Indonesia 500000
They had to murder in Indochina 2000000
They had to murder in Czechoslovakia
They had to murder in Chile
They had to murder in Russia

And they had to murder in America.


The Pagan Hierarchy ;)

Point of Life



King Crimson "Fallen Angel"

Dieses Lied wurde  für meine eigene Musik Welt letzte Jahre bewusst geblockt. Gehört jetzt klar zu den Favoriten. So richtig neu entdeckt ist es eigentlich gar nicht aber ich habe mich in KC geile mucke widergefunden! Enjoy!

Montag, 18. Juli 2011

The Sensory Deprivation Tank


Kurze info von ein Kumpel, sein Vater arbeitete beim Bundesgesundheitsamt, daher die story:
....wenn du in so einen tank reingehen solltest, pass etwas auf. die
gesundheitsämter haben die dinger früher oft geschlossen, weil sie
unhygeniesch waren. denn was meinst du haben die leute die stundenlang in so einem warmen wasserbad im dunkeln lagen getan, wenn sie auf klo mussten. .. achte also drauf, dass das wasser ausgetauscht wird, bevor du reingehst.

creativity by joe

Joe Rogan, DMT, Life. and UFC



Wenn jemand hier oder live mit mir diskutieren will, so stehe jederzeit zur Verfügung.

You Have Changed the Past

good trip/good minds ;)

Freitag, 15. Juli 2011

don´t worry


you live your Karma.
the best I can tell you about karma is:
if you are PURE SPIRIT you are not matter! are that ETERNAL SPIRIT....
if each of us is that very old being....
and not this young body, or this body that is going through this life...
why don´t we REMEMBER?
why don´t we remember it all??
why can´t we read the entire akashic record??
because of our attachments to the physical plane of reality...
because of the power of our identification with our own body-senses and thoughts!!!

Donnerstag, 14. Juli 2011

Verfolgungsjagd hinter dem Wind

Die meisten Dinge in dieser Welt sind nur dazu da, um Menschen in einen Irrtum zu führen.
Wir schauen egoistisch nur auf uns selbst /„unsere“ Welt und ahnen nicht mal wie wir jeden Tag verschiedenen Illusionen erliegen. 
Oder aber lassen die Gedanken nicht zu – so das alles was wir bewundern, an was wir glauben und als normal behandeln, nur unsere ständige Verfolgungsjagd hinter dem Wind bleibt.

Und uns dann noch hartnäckig einreden, das es anders nicht geht, weil das einfach DAS LEBEN ist.
Dieser Glaube ist auch eine Illusion.




Dienstag, 12. Juli 2011

Die Ware Wahrheit über Schott in Medien

Verkaufen wir jetzt uns für Dumm? 
Oder halten uns die Politiker für Idioten?
Ist dieses Volk, welches hier durch die Strassen geht, nicht gerade  sehr intelligent?

OMG, the whole world holds the puss :)

Jemanden zu töten der fiktiv ist, kann ganz schon schwer sein selbst für NAVYSEALS ;)

NICK'S BACK!!!! fuck him what a song!!! he sucked her dry....

KICK ASS TUNE..............

reality bites

I’m tired of trying to prove myself to people who seem determined to dislike me.
I just hope I can get through another day of this crap.
I can’t stand humanity any more. Why is everyone so cruel?!
My life is intrinsically small and meaningless.
I can’t help wanting to hurt people.
I try to channel my rage and fury into good things, but it doesn’t always work.
I can’t help but see other people as objects.
No one even makes an effort to understand me.
I wish people would just LEAVE ME ALONE!!!
I can’t get far enough from the people that want to get close to me.
I don’t want to deal with your pain!
I try to care about what you’re saying, but I don’t.
Life IS all about me.
No one likes it when I’m really honest.
If you could see what I truly am, you’d think I was insane.
You cannot fully comprehend my sadness or my pain.
You do not understand the magnitude of my rage.
The day ahead seems insurmountable.
Life mostly sucks.
Being human HURTS.
Most people are mean.
No matter how hard I try, I cannot be completely sympathetic with you.
Sympathy does not seem worthwhile.
I have enough problems of my own.
Opinions are judgments!
Even when you think you’re being kind, I want to hide from you.
Teaching me a lesson won’t work.
I don’t really care what you believe.
The reward of affection is too complicated to obtain.
Affection is always overcomplicated.
Being empathic really sucks.
I don’t always want to know what’s going to happen.
How come I have to be the aware one?
Even being around other people hurts!
I want someone to understand me, but I don’t want to be be a part of any group.
People are overcomplicated and I just want to push them away.
If you really cared about me, you’d let me be myself.
I know you don’t believe most of the things you say.
Your responsibility is not my responsibility.
Please don’t indoctrinate me.
You can’t fix me; don’t even try.
Just because we don’t agree doesn’t mean I’m broken.
It doesn’t seem like humanity is improving, no matter how hard we try.
Everyone’s reality is different; don’t force yours upon me.
I can’t stand more than a tiny bit of interaction.
I don’t really care what I’m supposed to do.
I’m not a sheep, don’t herd me.
You shouldn’t be telling anyone what to be doing if you’re not perfect.
Why do we keep trying so hard?
My own humanity feels incredibly restrictive.
The world doesn’t want to be helped.
I won’t be a part of your dog and pony show.
Why don’t you just shut the hell up?
Can’t you tell I really don’t like you?
Other people do not truly understand me.
There is no real point to mutual understanding.
There’s nothing I have to do.
Your requirements can go fish.
I have had just about enough.
What is the point of your aspirations?
You don’t seem to be actually getting anywhere.
Did you think I was talking to you?
How many indigos does it take to change the world?
The world doesn’t really need either one of us.
Why the hell did we choose to reincarnate?
It’s impossible to keep higher goals in mind all the time.
If you truly doesn’t believe time doesn’t exist, why do you force your schedule upon me?
Why do you play by the rules if there are none?
Why do you force arbitrary rules upon me?
I doubt you can actually practice what you preach.
It’s too bad you can’t be honest about your emotions.
I can’t stand being around a lot of people.
Preachy assholes annoy the hell out of me.
Having you tell me how human I am is not what I came here for.
I don’t like how you live your life.
The status quo sucks.
You are making my life harder.
I never feel like I have a home.
Interacting with you weakens my sense of self.
When I exert effort to make the world a better place, mostly no one cares.
I feel alone and tiny in the Universe.
We are NOT ONE.
Being around others makes me want to hide my individuality.
Even my most aspiring thoughts seem to have no effect.
I am not always happy. Why should I be?
My life feels purposeless and difficult.
Trying to be myself or speak my mind only has harmful repercussions.
There is a feeling of tension, isolation, and discord that never goes away.
Most activities people think are fun leave me empty and disillusioned.
Violence begets violence, yet unconditional love is a shroud of denial.
There IS no solution in any situation.
Absolutely everything is completely out of control.
You pretend you’re tough, but inside you secretly feel lost and terrified like me.
Reality Bites.

keep us strong


The Mars Volta - BBK LIve Bilbao 08.07.2011 :))))

All eyes on you...

Fuck Yeah Psychedelics