Bill Hicks

the sign of intelligence is that you are constantly wondering. idiots are always dead sure about every damn thing.

Dienstag, 12. Juli 2011

reality bites

I’m tired of trying to prove myself to people who seem determined to dislike me.
I just hope I can get through another day of this crap.
I can’t stand humanity any more. Why is everyone so cruel?!
My life is intrinsically small and meaningless.
I can’t help wanting to hurt people.
I try to channel my rage and fury into good things, but it doesn’t always work.
I can’t help but see other people as objects.
No one even makes an effort to understand me.
I wish people would just LEAVE ME ALONE!!!
I can’t get far enough from the people that want to get close to me.
I don’t want to deal with your pain!
I try to care about what you’re saying, but I don’t.
Life IS all about me.
No one likes it when I’m really honest.
If you could see what I truly am, you’d think I was insane.
You cannot fully comprehend my sadness or my pain.
You do not understand the magnitude of my rage.
The day ahead seems insurmountable.
Life mostly sucks.
Being human HURTS.
Most people are mean.
No matter how hard I try, I cannot be completely sympathetic with you.
Sympathy does not seem worthwhile.
I have enough problems of my own.
Opinions are judgments!
Even when you think you’re being kind, I want to hide from you.
Teaching me a lesson won’t work.
I don’t really care what you believe.
The reward of affection is too complicated to obtain.
Affection is always overcomplicated.
Being empathic really sucks.
I don’t always want to know what’s going to happen.
How come I have to be the aware one?
Even being around other people hurts!
I want someone to understand me, but I don’t want to be be a part of any group.
People are overcomplicated and I just want to push them away.
If you really cared about me, you’d let me be myself.
I know you don’t believe most of the things you say.
Your responsibility is not my responsibility.
Please don’t indoctrinate me.
You can’t fix me; don’t even try.
Just because we don’t agree doesn’t mean I’m broken.
It doesn’t seem like humanity is improving, no matter how hard we try.
Everyone’s reality is different; don’t force yours upon me.
I can’t stand more than a tiny bit of interaction.
I don’t really care what I’m supposed to do.
I’m not a sheep, don’t herd me.
You shouldn’t be telling anyone what to be doing if you’re not perfect.
Why do we keep trying so hard?
My own humanity feels incredibly restrictive.
The world doesn’t want to be helped.
I won’t be a part of your dog and pony show.
Why don’t you just shut the hell up?
Can’t you tell I really don’t like you?
Other people do not truly understand me.
There is no real point to mutual understanding.
There’s nothing I have to do.
Your requirements can go fish.
I have had just about enough.
What is the point of your aspirations?
You don’t seem to be actually getting anywhere.
Did you think I was talking to you?
How many indigos does it take to change the world?
The world doesn’t really need either one of us.
Why the hell did we choose to reincarnate?
It’s impossible to keep higher goals in mind all the time.
If you truly doesn’t believe time doesn’t exist, why do you force your schedule upon me?
Why do you play by the rules if there are none?
Why do you force arbitrary rules upon me?
I doubt you can actually practice what you preach.
It’s too bad you can’t be honest about your emotions.
I can’t stand being around a lot of people.
Preachy assholes annoy the hell out of me.
Having you tell me how human I am is not what I came here for.
I don’t like how you live your life.
The status quo sucks.
You are making my life harder.
I never feel like I have a home.
Interacting with you weakens my sense of self.
When I exert effort to make the world a better place, mostly no one cares.
I feel alone and tiny in the Universe.
We are NOT ONE.
Being around others makes me want to hide my individuality.
Even my most aspiring thoughts seem to have no effect.
I am not always happy. Why should I be?
My life feels purposeless and difficult.
Trying to be myself or speak my mind only has harmful repercussions.
There is a feeling of tension, isolation, and discord that never goes away.
Most activities people think are fun leave me empty and disillusioned.
Violence begets violence, yet unconditional love is a shroud of denial.
There IS no solution in any situation.
Absolutely everything is completely out of control.
You pretend you’re tough, but inside you secretly feel lost and terrified like me.
Reality Bites.

2 Kommentare:

  1. Wenn man die Anfangszeilen liest, könnte man vermutlich annehmen, dass es sich um einen
    generischen Text gegen die Menscheit und den Hass, welchen der Verfasser des Textes gegen
    seine Artgenossen empfindet, handelt. Die wahre "Message", kommt erst im weiteren Verlauf
    zum "Vorschein". Die gesamte Komposition, vermittelt einem das Gefühl von Verzweiflung
    sowie Aussichtslosigkeit. In recht ehrlichen Worten wird hier letztendlich ausgesprochen, wie
    diese Welt gestrickt ist und wie unglaublich schwierig, gar kräftezehrend, es ist, miteinander zu koexistieren.

  2. Mein Hass hat eigene Dynamik. Basic ist ein bestimmte Art of Intolerace, Personen die mir sehr nah sind/waren, die nach außen oder in virtuellen Welt zeigen – Toleranz, Liebe, Kreativität und Lebensfreude, Inspiration, individuelle seelische Verwirklichung, bioenergetische Meditation und Körperarbeit, meditative Sportarten, Meditieren mit den reinen, intensiven Farben des Chemie Regenbogens, um die Lebensenergie, die sich in ihnen sammelt, nach außen abstrahlen! Erleuchtung suchend, Fuck! Zugleich vernichten, kicken, lügen (oder haben schon ganze Zeit gelogen) jemanden der NUR um Kontakt bettelt und keine Gefühle mehr erwartet. Kontakt? Kommunikation? Ja, starten sogar eine online Diskussion darüber, mit Big Form Prolog! Und selbst nicht kommunizieren können. WTF!!! Alles Pose? Oder ich möchte gern? Auch „Friends“ die Mist/zu viel reden, verraten, und und und noch paar Sachen. FShit! Yeah das ist mein Hass :)
