Bill Hicks

the sign of intelligence is that you are constantly wondering. idiots are always dead sure about every damn thing.

Montag, 31. Dezember 2012

Psychedelics Can Expand Your Consciousness

It might seem as though we are all separate, and individual from one another and our environment. While that may appear true and could very well be true in some ways, we are also all connected at the deepest levels of existence. When understanding this, we can look at how we operate daily and begin to ask questions: Why are we so concerned with dominating one another? Why do we strive to be better than others? Why do we chase pieces of paper so that we can have more and more things? Why do we judge one another? Why are we unable to be at peace? (read!)

Sonntag, 30. Dezember 2012

Are you ready to party tomorrow? :)

I did't want to wake up. I was having a much better time asleep. And that's really sad. It was almost like a reverse nightmare, like when you wake up from a nightmare you're so relieved. I woke up into a nightmare.

Samstag, 29. Dezember 2012

Freitag, 28. Dezember 2012

Pooh's psychedelic nightmare :)

Very cra­zed se­quence wi­th Win­nie the pooh fal­ling as­leep and hal­lu­ci­na­ting ele­phants in very psy­che­de­lic li­ke forms.

"Ah, world, what lessons you 
prepare for us, 
even in the leafless winter, 
even in the ashy city. 
I am thinking now of grief, 
and of getting past it; 

I feel my boots 
trying to leave the ground, 
I feel my heart pumping hard. I want 

to think again of dangerous 
and noble things. I want to be light and 
I want to be improbably 
beautiful and afraid of 
as though I had wings." 
 - Mary Oliver, Starlings in Winter

  If you're a nice guy, like me, don't change yourself for her. :D


    I am the left brain. I am a scientist. A mathematician. I love the familiar. I categorize. I am accurate. Linear. Analytical. Strategic. I am practical. Always in control. A master of words and language. Realistic. I calculate questions and play with numbers. I am order. I am logic. I know exactly who I am.

    I am the right brain. I am creativity. A free spirit. I am passion. Yearning. Sensuality. I am the sound of roaring laughter. I am taste. The feeling of sand beneath bare feet. I am movement. Vivid colors. I am the urge to paint on an empty canvas. I am boundless imagination. Art. Poetry. I sense. I feel. I am everything I wanted to be.
"One feels inclined to say that the intention that man should be ‘happy’ is not included in the plan of ‘Creation.’" 
 - Sigmund Freud

Donnerstag, 27. Dezember 2012

If you are depressed, you are living in the past. 
If you are anxious, you are living in the future. 
If you are at peace, you are living in the present. 
- Lao Tzu

Mittwoch, 26. Dezember 2012

You see Aerial come alive
I seek and find something's whole
The dreams are back
And I'm remembering

Lost myself in you today
Lost myself in every way

I see your love in all you do
I see myself in you
The story goes on and on.......
Unlike scientism, science in the true sense of the word is open to unbiased investigation of any existing phenomena. 
- Stanislav Grof

Dienstag, 25. Dezember 2012

I’m crazy about Freud. I begged my best friend to watch this movie for days. They said I was a lunatic for liking this person. What can I say...:) 

am i hallucinating or are there small white dots floating upwards randomly throughout the video...:) 

When darkness falls
And surrounds you
When you fall down
When you're scared, and you're lost
Be brave
I'm, coming to hold you now
When all your strength has gone
And you feel wrong
Like your life has slipped away

Follow me, you can follow me
And I, I will not desert you now
When your fire has died out
No ones there, they have left you for dead

Follow me, you can follow me
I will keep you safe
Follow me, you can follow
I will protect you.

Ooo, I wont let them, harm, harm you
Ooo, when, when your heart is breaking

You can follow me, you can follow me
I will always keep you safe
Follow me, you can trust in me
I will always protect you, love

Montag, 24. Dezember 2012

Love is not an emotion. It is your very existence. 
- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Merry Xmas! 

the firefighter :)

Sonntag, 23. Dezember 2012

Something special when you witness another human being let go, and give it their all.

I keep dreaming. Can't sleep. It wears me out.

I am a weak, ephemeral creature made of mud and dream. But I feel all the powers of the universe whirling within me. 
- Nikos Kazantzakis

awesome city downhill course...fucking love fucking hard...fuck!

Samstag, 22. Dezember 2012

Freitag, 21. Dezember 2012

Donnerstag, 20. Dezember 2012

“ You have no idea how high I can fly. — Michael Scott, The Office
If the “world” “ends”, see you in the realm of the yin yang, the spiral, the continuation from a to b, the infinite mirror…. oh shit, I guess we’re already there. Welcome to the beginning and end of everything. Now is the time.

Cancer Killed by Cannabis

Please research Ottoman Warburg and High pH Diet also have a look at Vitamin D3.
The American and Canadian Cancer society recommend taking at least(MINIMUM) 1000 IU of Vit. D per day, but research shows that 10 000 IU/Day is proper levels to fight off Cancer.

And please stay away from sugars as they lower your pH levels which create a perfect growing environment for tumors and cancer growth.

Maple sugar is the only sugar that elevates your pH levels rendering your body an infertile environment for Cancers & tumors.
Purchase 8.5 pH bottled water or add Baking soda as a cheap alternative to buying water.

Ask your Doctor to do pH test of your body as we are 98% water…so keeping your pH higher than 8 is essential..IMO & others
Warburg investigated the metabolism of tumors and the respiration of cells, particularly cancer cells, and in 1931 was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology for his “discovery of the nature and mode of action of the respiratory enzyme.”[2] The award came after receiving 46 nominations over a period of nine years beginning in 1923, 13 of which were submitted in 1931, the year he won the prize.[3]

In 1944, Warburg was nominated for a second Nobel Prize in Physiology by Albert Szent-Györgyi, for his work on nicotinamide, the mechanism and enzymes involved in fermentation, and the discovery of flavine (in yellow enzymes).[4][5] It is reported by some sources that he was selected to receive the award that year but was prevented from receiving it by Adolf Hitler’s regime, which had issued a decree in 1937 that forbade Germans from accepting Nobel Prizes.
Holly shit!

hilarious :D

Mittwoch, 19. Dezember 2012

Dienstag, 18. Dezember 2012

The weekly Joe Rogan and friends extravaganza, live from the Talking Monkey Studio 
Podcast - Dennis McKenna, Brian Redban 

Montag, 17. Dezember 2012

"The dream is so convincing that it’s not until after you wake up that you realize just how asleep you were." 
-  Michael Jeffreys

"Of whom and of what indeed can I say: ‘I know that!’ This heart within me I can feel, and I judge that it exists. This world I can touch, and I likewise judge that it exists. There ends all my knowledge, and the rest is construction. For if I try to seize this self of which I feel sure, if I try to define and to summarize it, it is nothing but water slipping through my fingers. I can sketch one by one all the aspects it is able to assume, all those likewise that have been attributed to it, this upbringing, this origin, this ardor or these silences, this nobility or this vileness. But aspects cannot be added up. This very heart which is mine will forever remain indefinable to me. Between the certainty I have of my existence and the content I try to give to that assurance, the gap will never be filled. Forever I shall be a stranger to myself. In psychology as in logic, there are truths but no truth." 
- Albert Camus, The Myth of Sisyphus

Sonntag, 16. Dezember 2012

These are Purple Crowned Fairy Wren ~
The "Purple/Crown Chakra" resonates with the color violet, which is the color that has the highest frequency in the visible light spectrum. Since the crown chakra color is so high in the frequency spectrum, it is believed to be the chakra that helps you to connect with the divine energies of the universe.

Donnerstag, 13. Dezember 2012

Man muss ihn einfach mögen...

…You need to use inference and experience to reach the certainty that any sense of absolute anything is only relative, and that anything you can sense at all is only relative. This is to realize the equivalence of voidness and relativity, no longer looking for an absolute void beyond the world, no longer depreciating the relative world as lacking ultimate value. You integrate this certainty into your daily experience by a twofold process. You let experience affirm absolute voidness, knowing that anything you can experience is relative and void of intrinsic identity. And you let absolute voidness affirm your relative experience, since knowing a thing’s voidness makes its relative presence undeniably important. From there on it is a matter of deepening this realization by pushing it inward, to overlay your instinctual misknowledge that still habitually gives you a feeling of an enduring hard-core identity. The more you can bear down through focused concentration on this specific identity feeling, the more free you will become. This is where meditation is really needed: after you have a sound realization. This is where you realize how deep your instincts go.
- The Tibetan Art of Dying Excerpt p.62, The Tibetan Book of the Dead
sometimes you meet a person and you just click - you' re comfortable with them, and you don't have to pretend to be anyone or anything :)

do you ever just feel so awkward when you buy something and pay in cash and the cashier gives you the change back but you take a few seconds to put the money in your wallet and you can feel the world judging you from afar

Mittwoch, 12. Dezember 2012

yap! :D


ridiculously sexy. she’s a badass.

Montag, 10. Dezember 2012

“Admit it. 
You aren’t like them. 
You’re not even close. 
You may occasionally dress yourself up as one of them, watch the same mindless television shows as they do, maybe even eat the same fast food sometimes. But it seems that the more you try to fit in, the more you feel like an outsider, watching the “normal people” as they go about their automatic existences. 
For every time you say club pass words like “Have a nice day” and “Weather’s awful today, eh?”, you yearn inside to say forbidden things like “Tell me something that makes you cry” or “What do you think deja vu is for?”. 
Face it, you even want to talk to that girl in the elevator. But what if that girl in the elevator (and the balding man who walks past your cubicle at work) are thinking the same thing? Who knows what you might learn from taking a chance on conversation with a stranger? Everyone carries a piece of the puzzle. 
Nobody comes into your life by mere coincidence. 
Trust your instincts. Do the unexpected. 
Find the others.” 
-Tim Leary 

The Master Shift - 12.12.12 - Global UNITY Moment - Let's Make History!

You must have chaos within you to give birth to a dancing star. 
- Friedrich Nietzsche

Donnerstag, 6. Dezember 2012

don't know about what you sing, but it is amazing!!! :D

Mittwoch, 5. Dezember 2012

i have wanted to kill myself a hundred times, but somehow i am still i love with life

Montag, 3. Dezember 2012

I want to keep my dreams, even bad ones, because without them, I might have nothing all night long. 
- Something Happened by Joseph Heller

Sonntag, 2. Dezember 2012