Bill Hicks

the sign of intelligence is that you are constantly wondering. idiots are always dead sure about every damn thing.

Montag, 19. September 2011

Why Meditate?

As you probably know, meditation can bring up repressed feelings and sensations, sometimes even things we didn’t know we were carrying around with us. Bringing up these hidden things can give the impression to a person that they just “came out of nowhere”.

The truth is all of us carry fear, anger, worry, doubt, anxiety,negative thoughts, and emotional pain which is perfectly normal. When we meditate we have the opportunity to know ourselves through these feelings and understand that they are just feelings. They do not represent who we are, just what we are feeling at that particular moment. Understanding this concept is life transforming; hence one of the reasons why we meditate.
Another wonderful reason to meditate is to open your awareness to the universal oneness we call “god”. No matter what your religions background everyone can benefit from a meditation practice.

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