Bill Hicks

the sign of intelligence is that you are constantly wondering. idiots are always dead sure about every damn thing.

Donnerstag, 29. August 2013

Get Creative: A Guide to Beating the Zombie Apocalypse


WARNING: Zombies are infiltrating the planet, and I’m not talking about what’s on the box or the big screen!

The zombie population is on the rise in rich, privileged countries all over the world; I’ve witnessed them dragging their feet through corporate districts, seen their lifeless faces staring out from behind shop counters, and heard their cold, monotone voices echoing on the lines of company call centers.
What is so scary about this scenario? Well, we all know the one thing zombies crave: BRAINS.
Brains with so much potential are being eaten away by more and more of us who are joining the legions of the walking dead and surrendering to unfulfilling careers and unrewarding lifestyles. The question is – why do people slide into complacent lives when they have both potential and opportunity on their side?
If you are unhappy with your work or home life, this is likely due to…(rm

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