Bill Hicks

the sign of intelligence is that you are constantly wondering. idiots are always dead sure about every damn thing.

Dienstag, 12. November 2013

21st century Gypsies: Stunning pictures show how new-age travellers are now adopting traditional horse-drawn caravans 

They were the inner-city youth who, fuelled by punk spirit, anarchist philosophy and a hate of Margaret Thatcher, clambered aboard a fleet of battered old vehicles to shun the trappings of the modern world for a life of nomadic freedom.
And while today's new-age travellers appears to have taken the philosophy even further, preferring to use traditional horse-drawn caravans instead of gas-guzzling vans, they also appear to be embracing the modern technology like mobile phones, laptops and even Facebook.
During the late 1980s and 1990s stories about the travellers were commonplace - illegal raves, clashes with the police, drug busts and fury at the criminal justice act.
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